Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Hero

When I was a little girl my Dad was my world. I remember sitting on his lap for hours watching football. I have such strong memories of being with him and feeling so safe and secure.Circumstances beyond my control caused a ten year absence from my Pop, but time and life reunited us. The road has not always been easy but it has always been filled with love. He has given so much to me and I often wonder if he really knows how much I love and appreciate him.A couple of years ago I got the chance to drive to Oregon with Dad, and it was one of the best times in my life, and a memory I will treasure forever. My life gets busy sometimes, and I don't call as often as I should but my Dad is never out of my thoughts.When He lived in the same state I should have taken the time to go see him more often, now he is half a country away and I would give just about anything to go see him. Happy Father's Day Dad!! I love you so much!

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