Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Independence

As I sit and listen to the boom and crackle of distant fireworks I remember all the 4th of July's of the past. When my boys were young their Dad and I would go out to the lake with all of his family and shoot off firecrackers and have a huge BBQ. The boys loved sparklers and the kind of firecrackers that made the loud whistle and spun around on the ground. My favorite was roman candles, it just seemed like you got more for your money with those.As the boys got older they didn't care as much about family time and they went out and did their own thing.

It's odd to me that in the 5 years Deshawn and I have been together we have only spent 1 fourth together, either I had to work or, like tonight and tomorrow, he has to work. My family now seems so spread out and disconnected and I always feel it the most on a holiday.
I hope all of my family spends this holiday with people they love and remember how much our freedom has cost. To my friends and family who are serving in the military, thank you for keeping us safe and free!

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