Friday, May 21, 2010

it has been a LONG week!

It has been a very long hard week. There is aways a positive side to every negative...I am almost finished with my Practicum hours...just 25 to go and I am one more week should do it. I found my voice where certain people were concerned and let them know my boundaries.Deshawn comes home tomorrow.I am really enjoying my new job at Eastfield even though the training is going very slow. So even though I am emotionally, spiritually and physically exhausted some good things are happening in my world today and I am grateful for that.I am working on remembering that life is what I make of it and that no-one has the ability to make me feel anything that I don't choose to feel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How did you get so smart? Well done, Niece. I know you are going thru some tough times but you are stronger then you think. Get help with the Math so you can graduate. I am sooooo proud of what you have accomplished. You get em, gal!!!!!