Thursday, November 4, 2010

and the hits just keep coming...

Yesterday was one of the worst days for me....I am battling severe pain on a daily basis now and it is getting to me. My patients is thin and I am so tired. I know everyone has a lot on their plates these days and that it is not just me. Everyone's world seems to be changing and some of these changes are not for the good.

I fear I lost a friend yesterday and that breaks my heart. Things were said that were very hurtful to me and I reacted in a manner that I am not proud of. Since that conversation I have been up in my head about what was said and now find myself scared to death that I am going to lose the things that mean the most to me if I don't make the sacrifices I don't what to make. I know this all seems cryptic but the very few I have talked to about what happened yesterday know what I am trying to say here. I love my family and my friends and I love my husband I should not have to choose between the two. I am grateful that Deshawn loves me and that I am home for him as he is home for me. At the end of the day I know we will make it no matter where we live. It just hurts to think that any my friends would view of our relationship as not being that strong. I guess Mine and D's faith is all that matters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kiddo,
I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad time. Anyone who has
seen you and D knows how special your relationship is. The only one you need to care about is your guy.
If others can't deal with it, phooey on them. I love you both very much. D has shown himself to be a very special man and i am glad he is in your life. Hang in there. You are loved. Muff